About Us
TechTalkForums was born in 2012, with a vision. Make PC Repair easier to understand and more accessible to everyone. We did that! Now, we are the premier source for all tech related quandaries and we want to make your experience as trouble free as possible!
TechTalkForums was started to help foster a community of people who shared the same Ideas that knowledge is power. Computer tech and repair is hard when you don't have the knowledge. It's a skill and as with any skill, practice makes perfect. So, when your computer has a problem, now you have a resource to look to for help. With a forum of community members who share their ideas and guides written in plain english. We want to foster not only a community but a family of members that believe what we believe. We are a community of like-minded individuals who share a need for a safe place for the free exchange of ideas.
Tech should not be only for the few, but for the masses. We want everyone to have the knowledge to make well informed decisions, with the know-how to fix problems yourself.
If you would like to contact us, send us an email at techtalkforums@zohomail.com
Please consider liking us on Facebook and keep an eye out for our discussions! Every month, we invite all our users to a live discussion. Have a question, need PC help, want to rant about something tech related, do so live, with the community. Get community answers for your issues or commiserate together. Check the home page for when we will be live!